

IO is a data type that suspends side effects and provides support to work with them in an asynchronous and concurrent manner. This section explores the utilites that it offers to facilitate this task.

Switching execution context

Oftentimes we need to perform certain tasks on a background thread in order not to block the main thread, whose intended use is rendering the user interface. This is usually done with the Grand Central Dispatch, and, in particular, with the DispatchQueue.

The main issue is that the API of DispatchQueue is difficult to compose. IO provides utilites to switch to a different queue and continue chaining computations with the continueOn method from the Async type class.

let program: IO<Never, Void> =
        .followedBy(ConsoleIO.print("Hello from the main queue"))
        .continueOn(.global(qos: .background))
        .followedBy(ConsoleIO.print("Hello from the background queue"))
        .continueOn(DispatchQueue(label: "my-queue"))
        .followedBy(ConsoleIO.print("Hello from my custom queue"))^

Running computations in parallel

IO lets us run several independent computations using zip. However, this method won’t run them in parallel. To achieve this behavior, there is a method called parZip, from the Concurrent type class.

For example, we may have a function to fetch the HTML code from a website:

func fetchHTML(from url: URL) -> IO<Error, String>

Using parZip we can fetch all three in parallel and get their results in a tuple:

let result: IO<Error, (String, String, String)> =
    IO.parZip(fetchHTML(from: URL(string: "")!),
              fetchHTML(from: URL(string: "")!),
              fetchHTML(from: URL(string: "")!))^

The parZip method is overloaded to work from 2 to 9 parameters. If, instead of getting a tuple, you want to do some transformation to the data that you are receiving, you can use the parMap function from the Concurrent type class. In our previous example, we may want to create an array of values with the HTML contents of all the requests:

let result2: IO<Error, [String]> =
    IO.parMap(fetchHTML(from: URL(string: "")!),
              fetchHTML(from: URL(string: "")!),
              fetchHTML(from: URL(string: "")!)) { bow, apple, github in
                [bow, apple, github]

Monad comprehensions

The operations above play nicely with Monad comprehensions. You can easily change to a different DispatchQueue using the continueOn function and run computations in parallel using the parallel function. You can also assign tuples and get destructuring of each of their components.

For instance, we can fetch the three previous websites in parallel in a background queue and then print their number of characters sequentially in the main queue:

let bow = IO<Error, String>.var()
let apple = IO<Error, String>.var()
let github = IO<Error, String>.var()

let websites = binding(
    continueOn(.global(qos: .background)),
    (bow, apple, github) <- parallel(fetchHTML(from: URL(string: "")!),
                                     fetchHTML(from: URL(string: "")!),
                                     fetchHTML(from: URL(string: "")!)),
    |<-ConsoleIO.print("Bow has \(bow.get.count) characters"),
    |<-ConsoleIO.print("Apple has \(apple.get.count) characters"),
    |<-ConsoleIO.print("GitHub has \(github.get.count) characters"),
    yield: ()

For further information about how Monad comprehensions work in Bow, please refer to its documentation page.