

The BowEffects module provides a foundation to work with side effects in a functional manner. In order to use it, you only need to import it:

import BowEffects

This module includes multiple facilities to work with side effects:

  • Type classes: abstractions to suspend side effects and execute them asynchronous and concurrently.
  • IO: a powerful data type to encapsulate side effects and work with them in a functional manner.
  • Utilities: data types to work with resources and shared state functionally.

Type classes

Type classes in the Effects module abstract over the suspension of effects and their asynchronous and concurrent execution. The module contains the following type classes:

Type class Description
MonadDefer Enables delaying the evaluation of a computation
Async Enables running asynchronous computations that may fail
Bracket Provides safe resource acquisition, usage and release
Effect Enables suspension of side effects
Concurrent Enables concurrent execution of asynchronous operations
ConcurrentEffect Enables cancelation of effects running concurrently
UnsafeRun Enables unsafe execution of side effects


The IO data type is the core data type to provide suspension of side-effects. Its API lets us do powerful transformations and composition, and eventually evaluate them concurrently and asynchronously.

IO also provides error handling capabilities. It lets us specify explicitly the type of errors that may happen in its underlying encapsulated side-effects and the type of values it produces.

There are several variants of IO depending on the needs of our program:

Variant Description
IO<E, A> An encapsulated side effect producing values of type A and errors of type E
UIO<A> An encapsulated side effect producing values of type A that will never fail
Task<A> An encapsulated side effect producing values of type A and no explicit error type (using Error)

Besides, if we want to model side effects depending on a context of type D, we can use the EnvIO<D, E, A> type, or any of its variants:

Variant Description
EnvIO<D, E, A> A side effect depending on context D that produces values of type A and errors of type E
URIO<D, A> A side effect depending on context D that produces values of type A and will never fail
RIO<D, A> A side effect depending on context D that produces values of type A and no explicit error type (using Error)


Besides the IO data types, the Effects module provides some utilities:

Data type Description
Atomic<A> An atomically modifiable reference to a value
Ref<F, A> An asynchronous, concurrent mutable reference providing safe functional access and modification of its content
Resource<F, A> A resource that provides safe allocation, usage and release