FreePartial public final class FreePartial<F> : Kind<ForFree, F> where F : Functor Partial application of the Free type constructor, omitting the last parameter. Instance of Functor for Free map(_:_:) Declaration Swift public static func map<A, B>( _ fa: FreeOf<F, A>, _ f: @escaping (A) -> B ) -> FreeOf<F, B> Instance of Applicative for Free pure(_:) Declaration Swift public static func pure<A>(_ a: A) -> FreeOf<F, A> Instance of Monad for Free flatMap(_:_:) Declaration Swift public static func flatMap<A, B>( _ fa: FreeOf<F, A>, _ f: @escaping (A) -> FreeOf<F, B> ) -> FreeOf<F, B> tailRecM(_:_:) Declaration Swift public static func tailRecM<A, B>( _ a: A, _ f: @escaping (A) -> FreeOf<F, Either<A, B>> ) -> FreeOf<F, B>