

RxSwift is a popular streaming library with counterparts in many other programming languages. It is used for Reactive Functional Programming and counts with many combinators that are already present in Bow.

It provides three data types to model different semantics in streams: Single, Maybe and Observable. However, these types do not have support for HKTs and therefore do not provide instances for the type classes provided in the core module or the effects module.

Bow Rx is a module that we provide to bridge this gap between the abstractions provided by Bow and the widely used RxSwift library. In order to use it, you need to import:

import BowRx

Bow Rx provides wrappers over the three main data types to add HKT support and provides instances for the type classes in the Functor hierarchy. These three data types included in Bow Rx are SingleK, MaybeK and ObservableK.


SingleK<A> models a stream of exactly one element of type A. It can be built by wrapping a Single value or using the k function:

let single = Single<Int>.just(1)
let singleK1 = SingleK(single)
let singleK2 = single.k()

You can access the underlying wrapped value in order to subscribe to it:

singleK1.value.subscribe { x in
    // Do something


MaybeK<A> models a stream of zero or one elements of type A. It can be built by wrapping a Maybe value or using the k function:

let maybe = Maybe<Int>.just(1)
let maybeK1 = MaybeK(maybe)
let maybeK2 = maybe.k()

You can access the underlying wrapped value in order to subscribe to it:

maybeK1.value.subscribe { x in
    // Do something


ObservableK<A> models a stream of any number of elements of type A. It can be built by wrapping an Observable value or using the k function:

let observable = Observable<Int>.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
let observableK1 = ObservableK(observable)
let observableK2 = observable.k()

You can access the underlying wrapped value in order to subscribe to it:

observableK1.value.subscribe { x in
    // Do something

Further documentation

You can use SingleK, MaybeK and ObservableK as any other data type in Bow, getting access to the functionality provided by their instances for the type classes in the Functor hierarchy, as well as the type classes provided by the Bow Effects module.

For further documentation regarding operations dealing with the underlying wrapped values in these data types, refer to the documentation of RxSwift.