CoTPartial public final class CoTPartial<W, M> : Kind2<ForCoT, W, M> where W : Comonad Partial application of the CoT type constructor, omitting the last parameter. Instance of Functor for CoT map(_:_:) Declaration Swift public static func map<A, B>( _ fa: CoTOf<W, M, A>, _ f: @escaping (A) -> B) -> CoTOf<W, M, B> Instance of Applicative for CoT ap(_:_:) Declaration Swift public static func ap<A, B>( _ ff: CoTOf<W, M, (A) -> B>, _ fa: CoTOf<W, M, A>) -> CoTOf<W, M, B> pure(_:) Declaration Swift public static func pure<A>(_ a: A) -> CoTOf<W, M, A> Instance of Monad for CoT flatMap(_:_:) Declaration Swift public static func flatMap<A, B>( _ fa: CoTOf<W, M, A>, _ f: @escaping (A) -> CoTOf<W, M, B>) -> CoTOf<W, M, B> tailRecM(_:_:) Declaration Swift public static func tailRecM<A, B>( _ a: A, _ f: @escaping (A) -> CoTOf<W, M, Either<A, B>>) -> CoTOf<W, M, B> Instance of MonadReader for CoT D Declaration Swift public typealias D = W.E ask() Declaration Swift public static func ask() -> CoTOf<W, M, W.E> local(_:_:) Declaration Swift public static func local<A>( _ fa: CoTOf<W, M, A>, _ f: @escaping (W.E) -> W.E) -> CoTOf<W, M, A> Instance of MonadState for CoT S Declaration Swift public typealias S = W.S get() Declaration Swift public static func get() -> CoTOf<W, M, W.S> set(_:) Declaration Swift public static func set(_ s: W.S) -> CoTOf<W, M, ()> Instance of MonadWriter for CoT W Declaration Swift public typealias W = W.M writer(_:) Declaration Swift public static func writer<A>(_ aw: (W.M, A)) -> CoTOf<W, M, A> listen(_:) Declaration Swift public static func listen<A>(_ fa: CoTOf<W, M, A>) -> CoTOf<W, M, (W.M, A)> pass(_:) Declaration Swift public static func pass<A>(_ fa: CoTOf<W, M, ((W.M) -> W.M, A)>) -> CoTOf<W, M, A>